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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Leptohadron hypothesis.cmap, LEPTOHADRON HYPOTHESIS 2. There exists some experimental evidence supporting the idea that color excitation of leptons might give rise to light color bound pion-like states. a) An anomalous production of electron-positron pairs was ob- served in heavy ion collisions al- ready at seventies but the find- ings where forgotten. b) The production was explained in terms of formation of pseudo- scalar resonance with mass slight- ly above 2m_e, m_e electron mass. The production had some strange features. In particular, it was observed near Coulomb wall and the observed pairs where nearly at rest in velocity cm frame. c) TGD model assumes that a coherent state of electropions is formed in the magnetic and electric fields of colliding heavy ions. It is essential that magnetic field and electric field are not orthogonal since this guarantees the the pseudoscalar "instanton density" E.B to electro-pion is non-vanishing. This coupling can be deduced from anomaly consi- derations. d) The resulting production cross- section is discussed in the chapter "Recent status of lepto-hadron hypothesis" of "Hyper-finite fac- tors and dark matter hierarchy"., LEPTOHADRON HYPOTHESIS 1. The most obvious theoreti- cal objection against colored leptons can be circumvented in TGD framework. a) If light color excitations of leptons exist they should be seen in the decay widths of weak bosons. b) If color leptons are light only if they are dark in TGD sense, that is correspond to non-standard value of Planck constant h_eff=n×h, this ob- jection can be circumvented., LEPTOHADRON HYPOTHESIS 1. The notion of quark color differs from that in QCD. a) Color is not spin-like quan- tum number as in QCD but corresponds to quantum num- ber assignable to the ground states of the super-conformal representations characterized by imbedding space spinors and to the generators of super- conformal algebras involved (super-symplectic algebra of δM^4_+×CP_2 having structure of super-conformal algebra). b) The color of imbedding spa- ce spinors is analogous to orbi- tal angular momentum and partonic 2-surface behaves like rigid body in CP_2 degrees of freedom. c) The correlation between electroweak and color quantum numbers is quite not correct but colored generators of super- conformal algebra carrying "vib- rational" color allow to cure the situation. d) Prediction: also leptons can move in color partial waves. It is not at all obvious whether they allow light states. In prin- ciple p-adic mass calculations allow to conclude whether this is the case., LEPTOHADRON HYPOTHESIS 2. e) Also monochromatic radiation from galactic center with energy very very near to m_e has been obserred. The interpretation could be be in terms of decays of electro-pions created in collisions of heavy ions. f) There is also some evidence for the product- ion of muo-pions and tau-pions.